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What is a powdered carbon?


Powdered activated carbon, commonly referred to as \powder carbon,\ is a dark-colored, porous carbon material that exists in various physical forms, including particles, powder, or small beads. Composed mainly of carbon, it contains trace amounts of elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine. Known for its exceptional adsorption capabilities, powder carbon can efficiently adsorb a variety of liquids, colloids, and gases on its surface, with an adsorption capacity nearly equivalent to its own weight.

The production of powder carbon primarily falls into two categories: physical and chemical methods. The physical process involves selecting premium fruit shells and wood shavings as raw materials, which are then finely processed and crushed to achieve high specific surface area and adsorption power. This type of powder carbon is commonly used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food additives, monosodium glutamate, and beverages for decolorization and impurity removal, as well as for water purification. On the other hand, chemically produced powder carbon utilizes high-quality wood shavings and fruit shells, along with activators like zinc chloride and phosphoric acid, for carbonization and activation. It is suitable for decolorizing sugar products like glucose and maltose, as well as for removing large molecular pigments from citric acid, oils, chemical products, and cysteine.

What is a powdered carbon?(图1)

As an efficient adsorbent medium, powder carbon has gained significant attention for its extensive applications in gas and liquid purification. It not only enhances the purity and quality of products but also effectively removes harmful substances in water treatment and numerous industrial processes.

Recognized widely, powder carbon, also known as powdered activated carbon, is a black, porous substance primarily composed of carbon, with trace amounts of other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine. It comes in various forms and is renowned for its surface adsorption characteristics, which allow it to efficiently adsorb different fluids and gases. The manufacturing of powder carbon involves both physical and chemical methods. Products from the physical method are known for their high specific surface area and adsorption efficiency, and are commonly used for purification in industries like pharmaceuticals and food. The chemical method, which uses specific activators to treat wood shavings and fruit shells, is employed for the removal of pigments in fine chemical products.

Powder carbon, also known as powdered activated carbon, is a black, porous material primarily composed of carbon and containing a small amount of impurity elements. Its robust adsorption performance makes it highly effective in gas and liquid purification, capable of adsorbing a significant amount of substances equivalent to its own weight. The production of this material encompasses both physical and chemical methods. The physically produced powder carbon with high specific surface area is widely utilized in industrial decolorization and purification, while the chemically produced variety is tailored for specific industries such as sugar and chemical products for pigment removal and refinement.


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